How to Memorize More Words and Speak Any Language With Confidence!
The Proven System to Learn New Vocabulary In Any Language...
And Not Forget It!
Make Words Stick
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  • Do you struggle to memorize enough vocabulary in the language you're learning?
  • Does it drive you crazy to always be searching for the word you need in conversation?
  • Do you want a powerful, proven system for memorizing vocabulary...and not forgetting it?
I've Been There

You know the feeling I hate the most when I'm learning a foreign language?

Being face-to-face with a native speaker, scrambling around for words, forgetting all the vocabulary I've been trying to learn...feeling helpless!

I've been there - wanting so badly to speak well, but having my vocabulary let me down, again and again.

Since my early experiences of learning vocabulary in French (my first foreign language), I've since gone on to learn 7 foreign languages.

What's the secret to learning so many languages?

Well, a lot goes into it, but by far the most important thing is being able to acquire large amounts of vocabulary quickly...and not forget it!

"Spaced Repetition" is the most well-known and powerful system to remember anything.

Many of the world's most successful language learners use flashcard websites, software and smartphone apps powered by spaced repetition to learn huge amounts of vocabulary and become fluent in many languages quickly.

The trouble is that, if you're just starting out, it can be confusing to know the most effective way of using flashcard software... too many options, too technical!

But it doesn't have to be that way.


For years now, I've been developing a powerful system for using flashcards to quickly memorise large amounts of vocabulary in a new language...and not forget it!

It's simple enough that anyone can use it (even if you hate technology!) with as little as 5 minutes a day, but so powerful that you will start to learn more vocabulary than ever before and find yourself better able to speak your target language fluently.

The beauty of this system is in the simplicity, and I've written an awesome new guide that shows you exactly how to do it.

You may have experimented with flashcards before, but this is different. I eliminate 99% of the things that often cause confusion, and give you my proven formula for memorising vocabulary in a crystal clear, step-by-step guide that anyone can follow!

  • My proven system for learning large amounts of foreign language vocabulary quickly
  • How to build you vocabulary and not forget it
  • The simple trick for speaking in more fluent sentences
  • Step-by-step beginner's guide to getting set up with flashcard software...even if you hate technology!
  • Exactly how to organise your flashcards so you learn quickly and effectively
Why You Find It So Hard...

Most people fail to learn enough vocabulary for one simple reason... They don't have an organised learning system.

The result of this is a disorganised, haphazard approach where not much gets learnt! 

Here are the two big challenges you've got: 

  • Organise your new vocabulary in a place where you can go back and revise it easily
  • A system for memorising it

When you look at it this way, it's not so bad, is it? 

And here's the truth. Organising your new vocabulary properly and memorising it is straightforward and fairly easy... once you know how to do it! 

My proven flashcard system explained in this guide is the best way I know to organise your learning and make words stick. 

It has helped me learn to speak 7 foreign languages, I've used it effectively with countless students, and I've written this short, straightforward guide to prove that you can do it too!

"There have been so many mornings that I found myself confused as to how to proceed with my study, but...I try to apply all of the techniques that you recommend, and I’ve noticed significant gains in my language acquisition."

- Orren Tanabe, Japan
Fast and Effective

One of the most common complaints from language learners is "I'm too busy...I don't have enough time."

Well, this is why I love this system! 

My whole language learning strategy is based on the principle that, in order for something to work for most people, you have to be able to do it quickly and easily. 

This system for learning vocabulary is exactly that. 

You can get good results starting from only 5 minutes a day, making it perfect for you if you're very busy, or if you have trouble simply getting started! 

Don't be fooled. 5 minutes doesn't sound like a lot, but studying effectively using spaced repetition, and by doing it every day, it blows your old method out of the water!

  • Being able to learn new vocabulary quickly
  • Not just remembering it for a few days... but FOREVER!
  • Eliminating the frustration and doubt that comes from now knowing the best way to study
  • Talking with native speakers and actually remembering all the vocabulary you need
  • Speaking in more fluent sentences, not just single words

As I've learnt my seven foreign languages, I've experimented with dozens of different ways of learning vocabulary.

I've filled hundreds of notebooks with random words and phrases that I've picked up...only to find myself totally disorganised with no way of actually learning it all. 

Everything changed when I discovered flashcard software powered by "Spaced Repetition". It's a really simple system where a piece of software (on your computer, or an app on your phone) controls how often you see certain words when you're studying them. 

They're extremely effective and are used by many of the most successful language learners around the world. 

Even better, most of the time they're free

But here's the thing: If you've experimented with flashcards before, you'll know that it can get very complicated, very quickly. 

In fact, most people who try out flashcards will simply give up. 

This is because there are dozens of options and settings, and an unlimited number of possible approaches to studying. 

But I've now got it down to something of a fine art. 

It's based partly on my understanding of the software (and how to use it), and partly on my understanding of how to learn languages effectively...and it's a lethal combination! 

My system for studying with flashcards cuts out 99% of the options, eliminates all confusion, and gives you a dead-simple, easy-to-understand, and highly effective way to learn vocabulary quickly.  

It's so simple, I'm fairly confident my cat could do it...

You Will Learn...
  • How to use "Spaced Repetition" to learn vocabulary quickly, so that you can make more progress than ever before in your target language
  • How to make sure you never forget your new vocabulary, so that you can build your vocabulary even quicker and become fluent faster
  • The simple trick to making your new vocabulary "accessible" in conversation, so you're never lost for words in front of a native speaker again
  • The best flashcard software available to day, where to get it, and how to choose the right one for you (Hint: they all cost less than $3.99, and two of them are free!)
  • My step-by-step, walkthrough guide to setting up your flashcard software in under 2 minutes, so that there is zero stress or technology headaches involved
  • How to create your individual flashcards so your studying is as effective as possible
  • My special routine, mind-tricks and strategies for making sure you study every day, however busy you are, in order to guarantee that your vocabulary grows in all weather!
  • My advanced strategies to studying with flashcards: A special Q&A bonus chapter where I answer more advanced reader questions about studying with flashcards
"I loved your well-written and very helpful guide! The flashcards you recommended are now installed on my cell and I started entering vocabulary with short phrases last night." 

- James Moore
"Olly is enthusiastic, encouraging and very practical. It's his ability to motivate even serious procrastinators like myself that makes the process a whole lot easier & a lot more fun!" 

- Deirdre Mackintosh, Canada
"I have a lot more confidence using my target language than I did a month ago, thanks to you. Most important for me, you helped me push through my considerable anxiety about speaking by giving me the resources to get started AND remain engaged." 

- Susan Reed, Boston, MA
You Will Learn...
You'll get instant access to the Make Words Stick guide

Table of Contents

Part 1
1. What is Spaced Repetition?
2. Getting started with flashcards
3. Integrating flashcards into your language learning
4. Working with vocabulary
5. How to study flashcards
6. The key to success
7. Making vocabulary accessible in conversations
8. Q&A: Studying with flashcards

Part 2 - Quickstart Guide
1. Which software is best?
2. Step-by-step: Setting up your flashcards
3. Conclusion
Fast and Effective

Over 14 years, and through seven foreign languages, I've spent thousands of hours experimenting with books, CDs and online language learning software, trying to figure how to grow my vocabulary as quickly as possible.

It's difficult to place a value on this kind of experience. 

Yes, I now know what works. But I also know what doesn't work

What I teach in this guide is system that I'm extremely confident in, because it simply cuts out all the extraneous stuff that does work, wastes a lot of time, and can end in frustration and confusion. 

Instead, I replace it with proven, straightforward techniques for memorising large amounts of vocabulary quickly. 

For example, there's one simple trick in chapter 4 that increases your exposure to vocabulary by over 5 times, with little extra effort... this tip alone is worth the price of the guide!

You could spend 14 years figuring this out too.

But, instead, I urge you to skip the trial and error, and learn from my experience. 

Make a small investment in this guide today, start memorising the vocabulary you need right now, feel the improvement in your ability to speak and understand your target language, and start integrating it into your life.

Make Words Stick
Price Today: Only $7

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